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By providing large numbers of these friendly bacteria to the intestinal tract they may increase the population of these bacteria compared to those less desirable strains. These friendly strains may then competitively inhibit the growth of undesirable strains by competing for space and nutrients; at the same time inhibiting the production of toxic substances by undesirable strains.

  1. They manufacture some of the B-vitamins including niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid and biotin.

  2. They manufacture the milk-digesting enzyme lactase, which helps you digest calcium-rich dairy products (suitable for lactose-intolerant people).

  3. They actively produce anti-bacterial substances that kill or deactivate hostile disease-causing bacteria. They do this by changing the local levels of acidity or by depriving pathogenic bacteria of their nutrients or by actually producing their own antibiotic substances, which can kill invading bacteria, viruses and yeasts. Naturally enough they are doing this to preserve 'their' territory, not because they love you!

  4. They improve the efficiency of the digestive tract and when they are weakened, or bowel function is poor.

  5. They play an important part of the development of a baby's digestive function and immune system.

  6. Therapeutically they have been shown to be useful in treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, migraine, gout (by reducing uric acid levels), rheumatic and arthritic conditions, cystitis, candidiasis, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome and some forms of cancer.

Over time if your intake of the good bacteria drops and coupled with the fact that you have been exposed to antibiotics, toxins and stress, this tips the balance strongly in favour of the bad bacteria.

Besides the lack of potency found in food-producing bacteria, sugars and preservatives cause the bacteria to go through their life cycle before the food product even reaches your store. Also the strains used in LACTO-5® are selected as being the most beneficial for supplementing the probiotics level in your body. These strains are not found in yoghurt.

Lactic acid bacteria are used in the food industry for several reasons. Their growth lowers both the carbohydrate content of the foods that they ferment, and the pH due to lactic acid production. It is this acidification process which is one of the most desirable side effects of their growth. The pH may drop to as low as 4.0, low enough to inhibit the growth of most other microorganisms including the most common human pathogens, thus allowing these foods prolonged shelf life.

The immune system becomes weakened and you are then vulnerable to infection and disease. So make LACTO-5® a part of your life to help protect against harmful bacteria.

The 1st locally-derived beneficial bacteria, ensuring better adaptation to our gastrointestinal tract and local diet.

  • Our live bacteria are freeze-dried and this ensures easier storage conditions. No refrigeration is required.

  • 10 Billion CFU of beneficial bacteria in each capsule to give higher potency to protect the gastrointestinal tract.

  • 5 important human LAB & BB species for optimum benefit. Too many strains will only cause colonization of bacteria and may disrupt normal intestinal flora.

  • To be taken after food to reduce acid damage to the bacteria.

Isomaltulose is naturally found in honey, beets, and sugarcane. Isomaltulose is a natural healthy sugar by providing less sweetness and only half of the calories. It is also a well-known prebiotic that improves overall gut health by promoting growth of healthy gut microflora. It digests slowly with low glycemic index of 32 (GI:32) making it suitable for diabetics. It may enhance the frequency of bowel movement to remove toxins in the body.

  • Helps to remove toxins and provide maximum nutritional value derived from 50 types of fruits and vegetables to our gut
  • It improves the frequency of bowel movements
  • Helps in relieving symptoms of gastrointestinal problems (eg, bloated stomach, constipation, diarrhea, and gassy)
  • Increases the growth of healthy gut microflora
  • Production of digestive enzymes in our digestive system

It is a well-known prebiotic that stimulate the growth of healthy gut microflora in your digestive system. It is calorie free with less sweetness. It is also known as a soluble fibre which digest slowly by our digestive enzymes and fermented by the healthy gut microflora to work synergistically.

It is found naturally in plants such as onion, chicory, garlic, asparagus, banana, artichoke, among many others.