Frequently Ask Question
- Probiotics
Probiotics are supplements that contain living beneficial bacteria. When taken, they help restore the balance of the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. These bacteria are not parasites. They live in your gut on the food that you take and do many good things for you. Examples of probiotics containing food are yogurt, lassi and certain types of cheese. All fermented food will have some amounts of probiotics.
Trillions of microorganisms live on and inside us. Human beings and animals, serve as the host to many types and high number of microbes. Microbes live on our skin, mouth, all the way through the gastrointestinal tract and also in women's vaginal tracts. In fact, it has been estimated that more than 400 different species or types of bacteria make their homes on humans.
By providing large numbers of these friendly bacteria to the intestinal tract they may increase the population of these bacteria compared to those less desirable strains. These friendly strains may then competitively inhibit the growth of undesirable strains by competing for space and nutrients; at the same time inhibiting the production of toxic substances by undesirable strains.
The beneficial bacteria entered our body system in a unique way. We swallowed them as we made our way through mother's birth canal. More of these beneficial bacteria enter our body when we are being breast-fed. In fact, first milk from mother - colostrum, which tends to be thicker and curd-like, is a rich source of these beneficial bacteria.
Among the most important of their proven roles are some functions which help maintain our good health (protective), while others have a definite value in helping us regain health once this has been upset (therapeutic).
They manufacture some of the B-vitamins including niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid and biotin.
They manufacture the milk-digesting enzyme lactase, which helps you digest calcium-rich dairy products (suitable for lactose-intolerant people).
They actively produce anti-bacterial substances that kill or deactivate hostile disease-causing bacteria. They do this by changing the local levels of acidity or by depriving pathogenic bacteria of their nutrients or by actually producing their own antibiotic substances, which can kill invading bacteria, viruses and yeasts. Naturally enough they are doing this to preserve 'their' territory, not because they love you!
They improve the efficiency of the digestive tract and when they are weakened, or bowel function is poor.
They play an important part of the development of a baby's digestive function and immune system.
Therapeutically they have been shown to be useful in treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, allergies, migraine, gout (by reducing uric acid levels), rheumatic and arthritic conditions, cystitis, candidiasis, colitis and irritable bowel syndrome and some forms of cancer.
Bad bacteria mostly come from our food and drink - especially when these are stale and contaminated. That is why eating stale and contaminated food can give us a bad case of diarrhoea.
These harmful bacteria are known as pathogenic bacteria. They compete with the good bacteria for living space and food. They generally win if their numbers are large and may also release toxic substances. This causes many of the friendly bacteria to die off. They cause problems such as indigestion, bloating, gas, flatulence and constipation.
Over time if your intake of the good bacteria drops and coupled with the fact that you have been exposed to antibiotics, toxins and stress, this tips the balance strongly in favour of the bad bacteria.
Many types of diarrhoea illnesses, with many different causes, disrupt intestinal function. There is a published paper in 2002 which reviewed on 9 studies on the effect of Lactobacillus therapy for diarrhoea in children (Van Niel et al. Pediatrics 2002; 109(4):678-684). This study concluded that "Lactobacillus is safe and effective as a treatment for children with acute infectious diarrhoea".
The purpose of antibiotics is to kill harmful bacteria. Unfortunately they often kill normal bacteria too. This results in the disruption of bacterial flora, leading to the diarrhoea and other intestinal disturbances. Replenishing the flora with normal bacteria during and after antibiotic therapy seems to minimize disruptive effects of antibiotic use.
It is unlikely that eating yoghurt will significantly increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract. The bacteria used to produce a fermented food like yoghurt is not concentrated for the purpose of supplementing your body's probiotics level.
Besides the lack of potency found in food-producing bacteria, sugars and preservatives cause the bacteria to go through their life cycle before the food product even reaches your store. Also the strains used in LACTO-5® are selected as being the most beneficial for supplementing the probiotics level in your body. These strains are not found in yoghurt.
For your body to digest and absorb the maximum amount of nutrients and minerals from the food you eat, those nutrients need to be "bio-available". Or in a form which can be easily assimilated. Probiotics are particularly effective in breaking down proteins for easier digestion. That means if you want to get more calcium, magnesium and trace elements out of the food you eat, probiotics are an excellent approach. The beneficial bacteria acidify the intestinal tract. A lower pH level will be necessary for optimal absorption of these nutrients and trace minerals.
- Bacteria
In general, everyone should supplement themselves with probiotics. Without taking probiotic supplements, most people will not have enough beneficial bacteria in their systems to deal with many digestive-tract related upsets. However, there are some common conditions associated with a lack of beneficial bacteria. If you have poor skin, diarrhoea or constipation, slow peristalsis (how long it takes your food to be digested and eliminated), flatulence or bowel wind, bad breath, bad body odour, lactose intolerance, and/or a low resistance to infections on a regular basis, your body could be telling you that you need more beneficial bacteria. The best way is to supply your body with LACTO-5®.
LAB is Lactic Acid Bacteria and BB is Bifidobacterium. Lactic acid bacteria are a group of related bacteria that produce lactic acid as a result of carbohydrate fermentation. These microbes are broadly used by us in the production of fermented food products, such as yogurt (Streptococcus spp. and Lactobacillus spp.) and cheeses (Lactococcus spp.).
Lactic acid bacteria are used in the food industry for several reasons. Their growth lowers both the carbohydrate content of the foods that they ferment, and the pH due to lactic acid production. It is this acidification process which is one of the most desirable side effects of their growth. The pH may drop to as low as 4.0, low enough to inhibit the growth of most other microorganisms including the most common human pathogens, thus allowing these foods prolonged shelf life.
Probiotics are live cells. Being freeze-dried, the bacteria remain stable at room temperature (25°C). No refrigeration is required. It is also ideal for travellers.
Spore-forming organisms grow a protective layer to keep themselves dormant-but-alive until they reach your intestines before they open up and begin colonizing. The 100% survival rate of these spore-forming bacteria is unparalleled. This means the friendly bacteria will survive the harsh stomach acids, bringing all the benefits to your gut!
Helicobacter Pylori is a bacterium, which colonies the stomach. Its presence is associated with gastric ulcers and gastric cancer. Studies show that antibacterial substances including organic acids produced by some Lactobacilli inhibit the growth and survival of this pathogen.
They are derived by lyophilised (freeze drying) technology from Malaysian sources that will survive better and longer in our intestines with our local diet. It is Locked-in Spores that protect the friendly bacteria as it passes through the harsh conditions of the stomach and into the intestines where it can germinate and grow. Therefore, NO need refrigeration to store for this live friendly bacterium.
LACTO-5® is a premium beneficial bacteria formula that contains 5 locally cultured Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Bifidobacterium (BB) species
Lactobacillus acidophilus
L. acidophilus is one of the most important microorganisms found in the small intestines. It is known to implant itself on the intestinal wall, in the lining of the wall of the vagina, cervix and urethra. It performs many critical functions including inhibiting pathogenic organism and preventing them from multiplying and colonising.
It is well documented that L. acidophilus produces natural antibiotics like lactocidin, acidophilin, etc which enhance the resistances or immunity. L. acidophilus has known antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, E. coli and Candida albicans.
Bacillus subtilis
B. subtilis, bacteria with the ability to form a tough, protective spore, allowing the organism to tolerate extreme environmental conditions remains one of the most potent and beneficial of all health-promoting and immune-stimulating bacteria. According to clinical studies by microbiologist J. Harmann, the cell wall components of ingested B. subtilis are able to activate nearly all systems of the human immune defence, including the activation of at least three specific antibodies (IgM, IgG and IgA secretion) which are highly effective against many of the harmful viral, fungal and bacterial pathogens which regularly attempt to invade and infect the human system.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
L. rhamnosus has demonstrated tolerance to the acidic conditions of the stomach and the bile acids of the small intestine. As a probiotic, L. rhamnosus is claimed to colonise the digestive tract and to balance intestinal microflora. It also releases acids, bacteriocins and hydrogen peroxide which inhibit the pathogen growth. L. rhamnosus also has been shown beneficial in the prevention of rotavirus diarrhoea in children. The prevention and treatment of various types of diarrhoea has been shown both in children and in adults.
Bifidobacterium longum
B. longum are found abundantly in the large intestine. It plays a role in preventing the colonization of invading pathogenic bacteria by attaching to the intestinal wall and crowding out unfriendly bacteria and yeast. Along with other microorganisms, it produces lactic and acetic acids that lower the intestinal pH and further inhibit the undesirable bacteria. B. longum has, in clinical studies, been found to reduce the frequency of gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhoea, nausea, etc) during antibiotic use.
Streptococcus thermophilus
S. thermophilus, in combination with L. bulgaricus, is used commercially to produce yogurt. This organism is to be known to be efficient in breaking down lactose by producing the enzyme lactase. Those who are lactose-intolerant may be greatly helped by supplementation with this particular strain. Cytokine production is stimulated in tissue-cultured cells by this bacterium.
No, it is incorrect. A major misconception in a lot of people is the idea that many different bacteria strains in a probiotics supplement will give more benefits. The internal fights leading to recolonization of bacteria and may disrupt normal intestinal flora.
In multiple-strain products, one strain can begin to dominate the other even during storage, reducing viable bacteria. As a result, it is better to take 3-5 single strain products than one multi-strain product.
Spore-forming organisms grow a protective layer to keep themselves dormant-but-alive until they reach your intestines before they open up and begin colonizing. The 100% survival rate of these spore-forming bacteria is unparalleled. This means the friendly bacteria will survive the harsh stomach acids, bringing all the benefits to your gut!
Majority of the probiotics need to be refrigerated. Refrigeration can cause condensation and the resulting moisture can destroy the bacteria in the formula. Currently, with the "freeze-drying" technology, bacteria is cultured and dried to stay dormant for more than 3 years, at room temperature.
The key to beneficial bacteria's effectiveness is their ability to revive once they enter a liquid environment. Also, they are convenient to take along when travelling where no refrigeration is required.
We recommend LACTO-5® after the antibiotic course is completed. Taking LACTO-5® is an excellent way to offset the loss of beneficial bacteria. When you have finished the antibiotics, double the amount of LACTO-5® for at least 2 weeks. This will ensure a better re-population of the beneficial bacteria.
Beneficial bacteria occur naturally in your gastrointestinal system. The more you have of them, the better supported your internal systems will be. Remember that beneficial bacteria are depleted daily by pollution, contaminants in food, drugs, antibiotics, aging, smoking, alcohol and stress.
The immune system becomes weakened and you are then vulnerable to infection and disease. So make LACTO-5® a part of your life to help protect against harmful bacteria.
Holidays are especially challenging often with the excess food, alcohol and stress our bodies endure. Plane travel exposes you to all kinds of airborne infections - just breathing the stale airplane air can trigger a sinus infection or worse. This is the time to strengthen the body's ability to fight infection using LACTO-5®. Start before you travel and take them with you.
Studies have been recently reported suggesting a role of probiotics in decreasing symptoms in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease and bronchitis.
Yogurt was found to aid digestion of lactose because the lactic acid bacteria used to make yogurt produce lactase and digest the lactose before it reaches the colon. In addition to yogurt starter bacteria, L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium have been shown by several studies to improve digestion of lactose.
The lactobacilli maintain a favourable vaginal pH in the acidic range and to inhibit pathogens via the production of hydrogen peroxide. Consumption of yogurt containing L. acidophilus decreased the incidence of Candida yeast infections.
Taking LACTO-5® when breast-feeding is highly recommended.
Take 1 vegetable capsule (vegicap) per day after a main meal.
Take 2 vegicaps of LACTO-5® in the morning and 2 at night after a main meal, for 2 weeks as therapeutic dosage. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables would create favourable conditions for these bacteria to flourish. The following 2 weeks, take 1 vegicap in the morning and 1 vegicap at night after meal. As health maintenance dosage take 1 vegetable capsule after meal.
The 1st locally-derived beneficial bacteria, ensuring better adaptation to our gastrointestinal tract and local diet.
Our live bacteria are freeze-dried and this ensures easier storage conditions. No refrigeration is required.
10 Billion CFU of beneficial bacteria in each capsule to give higher potency to protect the gastrointestinal tract.
5 important human LAB & BB species for optimum benefit. Too many strains will only cause colonization of bacteria and may disrupt normal intestinal flora.
To be taken after food to reduce acid damage to the bacteria.
LACTO-5® Gold is a complete gut nutrition that combines the trusted benefits of locally derived probiotics with the Japanese goodness of fermented OHTAKA Superfood™ enhanced with Isomaltulose and Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) prebiotics. It provides a balanced macrobiotic nutrient environment for gastrointestinal tract.
Our OHTAKA Superfood™ is sourced from Japan’s 50 types of fruits, vegetables, and whole food through fermented process of 6 months to achieve a maximum nutritional and prebiotic value. It also enhances nutrient absorption and aid the production of digestive enzymes in our digestive system to remove toxins waste.
Isomaltulose is naturally found in honey, beets, and sugarcane. Isomaltulose is a natural healthy sugar by providing less sweetness and only half of the calories. It is also a well-known prebiotic that improves overall gut health by promoting growth of healthy gut microflora. It digests slowly with low glycemic index of 32 (GI:32) making it suitable for diabetics. It may enhance the frequency of bowel movement to remove toxins in the body.
- Helps to remove toxins and provide maximum nutritional value derived from 50 types of fruits and vegetables to our gut
- It improves the frequency of bowel movements
- Helps in relieving symptoms of gastrointestinal problems (eg, bloated stomach, constipation, diarrhea, and gassy)
- Increases the growth of healthy gut microflora
- Production of digestive enzymes in our digestive system
The recommended dosage for LACTO-5 GOLD is one sachet per day after meal.
LACTO-5 GOLD is best taken after your main meal.
Mix one sachet with water (50ml) or your favourite beverage. Avoid mixing with hot beverages.
We would recommend LACTO-5 GOLD to everyone and people who has bloated stomach, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence, dull and acne-prone skin, overweight, and feel fatigue.
Yes. LACTO-5 GOLD can be mixed with your favourite beverage, however avoid mixing with hot beverage.
Yes. LACTO-5 GOLD is a food product containing natural ingredients with no contra-indication.
Yes. LACTO-5 GOLD is a natural food product that is definitely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women to consume.
Yes, above 7 years old children are recommended with 1 or 1/2 sachet per day as an additional daily supplement for them. You may seek for further advice from your healthcare professional.
Yes, LACTO–5® GOLD consist of Isomaltulose, a healthy natural sugar with low glycemic effect (GI:32) that will control the body’s sugar level. It is recommended to consume after 2 hours of medication and may seek for healthcare professional for further advice.
Yes. LACTO-5 GOLD is a natural food product and is safe for long term consumption.
LACTO-5 GOLD is made up of various natural ingredients and you may refer to the ingredient list to identify on the ingredient(s) that you may be allergic to.
There are no negative side effects after taking LACTO-5 GOLD, however, consumer might experience a continuous gurgling sound at the stomach area which is normal due to the active colonization of probiotic bacteria in the intestines and also improving the gastrointestinal function.
LACTO-5 GOLD contains all the goodness from LACTO-5 Probiotics and is further enhanced with Ohtaka superfood and Tagatose prebiotics sweetener. You may switch to LACTO-5 GOLD shall you require to obtain more additional health benefits.
Yes. The Ohtaka Superfood in LACTO-5 GOLD is certified free from radiation by the Japan Food Research Laboratories authorised by the Japanese Government.
Yes. Although tagatose is derived from the sugar in milk, the lactose is broken down by an enzymatic process during production. Thus, the lactose content in LACTO-5 GOLD is negligible.
It is a well-known prebiotic that stimulate the growth of healthy gut microflora in your digestive system. It is calorie free with less sweetness. It is also known as a soluble fibre which digest slowly by our digestive enzymes and fermented by the healthy gut microflora to work synergistically.
It is found naturally in plants such as onion, chicory, garlic, asparagus, banana, artichoke, among many others.
It is found naturally in plants such as onion, chicory, garlic, asparagus, banana, artichoke, among many others.
No refrigeration required as our probiotics undergo lyophilised (freeze dried) technology which allows the live friendly bacteria to survive in room temperature.
Total 30 sachets per box.